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New book about ringing

Books explaining bellringing to the general public are few and far between, so the publication of a new one is notable. Shire books has just published Bells and Bellringing. It was written by John Harrison who also wrote Living Heritage, the book about the history of ringing in Wokingham (available from the Parish Office).

Shire Books is a well known publisher of low priced, concise non-fiction paperbacks on a wide range of subjects including antiques, rural crafts, industrial history, archaeology, architecture, and many other topics. Shire’s previous publication on bellringing dates from the 1960s, not long after the publisher was founded.

The new book has chapters on: bells and bell-hanging, change ringing, the  evolution of English-style ringing, ringing and the Church, and modern ringing, with sections on: ringing terminology, further reading, useful websites, places to visit, and a comprehensive index. It is illustrated with many pictures (some of which Wokingham readers may recognise).

For more information see: 

John Harrison (April 2016) 


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