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Oli’s first quarter peal

Learning to become a competent ringer is a continuous process through many stages: learning to be safe on the end of a rope, learning to control the bell accurately, learning to fit in with a rhythm, learning the complexities of change ringing, and so on. Most of these things are gradual – like learning to ride a bike.

But there are some definite landmarks, like the first time you ring with other ringers and when you first ring for a service. Another major landmark is ringing one’s first quarter peal, which Oli James did on 30th September.

A quarter peal is a continuous performance that lasts about 45 minutes, and if successful it is published for ringers worldwide to see, in the ringers weekly newspaper The Ringing World, and also on-line.

This quarter peal was rung for the evening service at Harvest Festival, and it was also a farewell tribute to David Rance on his retirement as Musical Director.

John Harrison (September 2012)


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