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Wokingham, Berks, All Saints - 8 Bells, Tenor 15½cwt in E

All Saints tower

We regularly  Recruit and train new ringers

See also:
Rewards of ringing

A warm welcome from All Saints bellringers.
Ringing is a fascinating activity that uses a unique blend of physical and mental skills. It provides intellectual stimulation, modest physical activity and social contact.
Ringers can enjoy being part of a worldwide community of ready made friends who share their hobby.
We are proud to continue the tradition of English style bellringing, which has evolved over 400 years into a unique art­form practised by many thousands of ringers in nearly 6000 towers worldwide.  

Please use our site to find out about the world of bellringing. (Try: About bellringing,   About bells,   History of ringing ).
If you would like to see for yourself what ringing is like, you are welcome to drop in and meet us during regular ringing (see times below).
See what's involved in Learning to ring.
 If you are interested then please Contact us.
Would your group or society like a Talk about bellringing or a Tour of the tower?
Would your school be interested in a Ringing based school project or a Talk to pupils?
You are welcome to join us at any of our regular ringing sessions (but please check first, especially if you are travelling some distance). We hope you will find our site interesting.
See complete Tower Diary
You may be interested in our pages about Method learning


There is a book about the history of 300 years of ringing at Wokingham.
See details here

  Regular ringing:  

 Sunday morning : General ringing 8.50 - 9.30 (for exceptions, see Tower diary)
 Sunday evening : Twice a month and/or if there is a special service, pre-arranged quarter peals 17.30 - 18.30 (for details see Tower diary )
Monday practice
: 20.00 - 21.30 (except bank holidays, Holy Week and AGM day - see Tower diary)

 Forthcoming events  Full Tower Diary  
 Recent news  Contact us

Did you know? : A book on the history of ringing at All Saints is available locally.

Ringing at All Saints
Ringing at All Saints
All Saints Ringers
All Saints bells
All Saints Bells
All Saints tower
All Saints Tower
Restoration project
Restoration Project

Visiting All Saints
Visiting All Saints
Learning to Ring
About bellringing
About Bellringing
About bells
About Bells
History of ringing
Ringing through the ages
Contact us

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