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Recent news 

 Last updated 13-October-2024

Date Event
13 October 2024 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. See details
22 September 2024 A quarter peal of 1312 Bristol Surprise Major was rung . See details
21 July 2024 A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung. Congratulations to Julie Greenway (first on a working bell),Jan Glen (first Tenor behind) and Jane Mellor (first Doubles as conductor) See details
10 July 2024 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before the induction of Revd Hannah Higginson as Rector of this parish. See details
23 June 2024 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung See details
9 June 2024 A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch ringing her first quarter of Yorkshire Surprise Major. See details
1 June 2024 A peal of 5088 Spliced Bristol, Yorkshire, Cambridge, Lincolnshire and 864 Rutland Surprise Major was rung – the 100th peal on the bells. See details
28 April 2024 A quarter peal of 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major was rung as a birthday compliment to Becki Shuttleworth, who rang her first quarter of Lincolnshire: See details
14 April 2024 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before Celtic Evening Prayer, a 60th birthday compliment to Jane Mellor. Congratulations to Jennifer Moynihan ringing her first quarter of Triples. See details
13 April 2024 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung as a 60th birthday compliment to Jane Mellor and Judith Newman. See details
31 March 2024 A quarter peal of 1312 Bristol Surprise Major was rung for Easter. See details
24 March 2024 A quarter peal of 1344 Plain Bob Major was rung for Palm Sunday See details
25 February 2024 A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung to celebrate the Christening today of Aidan George Coombes. See details
11 February 2024 A quarter peal of 1344 Spliced Surprise Major in 3 methods was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. See details
28 January 2024 A quarter peal of 1280 Kent Treble Bob Major was rung . Congratulations to Charlotte Lee ringing her first quarter of Treble Bob. and to Jennifer Moynihan and Becki Shuttleworth ringing their first of Kent. See details
27 January 2024 A peal of 5120 Spliced Surprise Major (in 4 methods)was rung on the morning of the annual tower dinner. This was also Holocaust Memorial Day so the peal was dedicated to that too. It was the first peal by a band of entirely All Saints ringings since 1992. Congratulations to James Moynihan ringing his first peal of Spliced Surprise. See details
14 January 2024 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. Congratulations to James Moynihan calling his first quarter peal of Surprise Major. See details
1 January 2024  A 'Date Touch' of 2043 changes of Plain & Little Bob Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
3 December 2023 A half peal of 2560 changes (80 leads) of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung as an 80th birthday compliment to John Harrison, one of the ringers. See details
26 November 2023  A quarter peal of 1259 Grandsire Triples was rung. See details
12 November 2023  A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Triples was rung before Celtic Evening Prayer on Remembrance Sunday. See details
5 November 2023 A quarter peal of 1259 Grandsire Triples was rung on All Saints Sunday. See details
22 October 2023 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung. Congratulations to Jennifer Moynihan ringing her first on eight and to Becki Shuttleworth ringing her first of Cambridge inside. See details
14 October 2023 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Triples was rung by a visiting band during the Church's Flower Festival. See details
1 October 2023 A peal of 5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for Harvest Festival. Congratulations to Becki Shuttleworth ringing her first of Surprise inside. See details
24 June 2023 A peal of 5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung as a farewell to Rev David Hodgson retiring after 26 years service as Rector of this church. See details
11 June 2023 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. Congratulations to James Moynihan ringing his first of Yorkshire. See details
21 May 2023 A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. Congratulations to Becki Shuttleworth ringing her first quarter of Treble dodging and to James Moynihan ringing his first of Surprise. See details
8 May A peal of 5056 Plain Bob Major was rung to mark the Coronation of King Charles III. Congratulations to James Moynihan ringing his first peal, and to Kristin Fitch ringing her first on an inside bell. See details
7 May A quarter peal of 1312 Kent Treble Bob Major was rung the day after the Coronation of Charles III. See details
6 May There was general ringing in the morning, ahead of the Coronation in London. See details
23 April A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for St George's Day See details
9 April A quarter peal of 1392 Spliced Plain & LIttle Bob Major was rung for Easter See details
25 March 2023  A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung by a Sonning Deanery band. Congratulations to Jan Glen (Binfield) and Julie Greenway (Wokingham All Saints) on ringing their first quarter peals. See details
25 March 2023  A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Doubles was rung by a Sonning Deanery band. Congratulations to Jennifer Moynihan (Arborfield) on ringing her first quarter peal.. See details
24 March 2023 A quarter peal of 1280 8-spliced Surprise Major was rung in memory of Ian Thompson. Congratulations to Tom Blomley ringing his first quarter of 8-spliced Surprise Major. See details
12 March 2023 A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer and also in memory of Ian Thompson, whose daughter is one of All Saints ringers. See details
4 March 2023 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung during the SpaceForAll open day. Congratulations to James Moynihan ringing his first quarter on 8 and on a working bell. See details
12 February 2023  A quarter peal of 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. See details
28 January 2023 A peal of 5120 Berkshire Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the annual tower dinner. See details
8 January 2023 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. See details
1 January 2023 A 'Date Touch' of 2023 changes of 2-spliced Bob Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
27 November 2022 A quarter peal of 1288 Grandsire Triples was rung before the Advent Reflections service. See details
5 November 2022 A peal of 5024 Rutland Surprise Major to mark All Saints Tide, was rung at Twyford. It was planned for All Saints Wokingham but had to be moved because work in the church prevented access to the tower. See details
2 October 2022 A quarter peal of 1344 Plain Bob Triples was rung for Harvest Festival. See details
1 October 2022 A quarter peal of 1344 Stedman Triples was rung to mark the birthday of Helen Maynard, one of All Saints ringers. See details
25 September 2022 A quarter peal of 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major was rung before a Vigil for the Climate. See details
19 September 2022 A half muffled quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. See details
9 September 2022 An hour of half muffled Rounds & Call Changes was rung at noon in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth. See details
10 July 2022 A quarter peal of 1280 Rutland Surprise Major was rung before the service of Celtic Evening Prayer. See details
27 June 2022 A quarter peal of 1344 Superlative Surprise Major was rung to celebrate the ordination the previous day of Revd. Becky Medlicott, Assistant Curate, and as a farewell to Chrispen Gumbs, Ordinand in Training. See details
3-5 June 2022 All Saints marked the Platinum Jubilee with ringing, first on Friday morning as part of national ringing before the service at St Paul's Cathedral, and then a quarter peal of 1250 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major on Sunday evening. See: Friday details, Sunday details.
27 March 2022 A quarter peal of 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major was rung on Mothering Sunday. See details
13 March 2022 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung on the last Sunday before the church closes for the 'Space For All' renovation project. See details
29 January 2022 A quarter peal of 1280 Bristol Surprise Major was rung on tower dinner day, remembering Steve Smith unable to attend because of positive test. See details
16 January 2022 A quarter peal of 1250 Pudsey Surprise Major was rung to mark 25 years service by Rev David Hodgson as Rector of this church. See details
28 November 2021  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before the Advent Carol service. See  details
14 November 2021  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service on Remembrance Sunday. See details
7 November 2021 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
31 October 2021  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evensong on All Saints Sunday. See details
10 Septmber 2021  A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung for evening service and as a wedding compiment to Emily Mellor & Martin Coombes. See details
9 Septmber 2021  A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the wedding of Emily Mellor to Martin Coombes. See details
19 September 2021 A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
12 July 2021 A quarter peal of 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung to welcome into the world Esme Melody Ruth Smith, born 5th July 2021, grand-daughter of one of the ringers. See details
23 February 2020 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch ringing her first quarter of Yorkshire inside. See details.
26 January 2020  A quarter peal of 1280 Bristol Surprise Major was rung for evening service the day before Holocaust Memorial Day, See details
25 January 2020  A peal of 5024 Lessness Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the tower dinner day. See details.
5 January 2020 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung for evening service at Epihany, See details
1 January 2020   A 'Date Touch' of 2020 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
22 December 2019  A quarter peal of 1282 Pudsey Surprise Major was rung for evening service, and birthday compliment to Tom Blomley. See details
8 December 2019  A quarter peal of 1250 Purbeck Surprise Major was rung before Christingle service. See details
1 December 2019 A quarter peal of 1280 Rutland Surprise Major was rung for evensong on Advent Sunday, and a birthday compliment to John Harrison. See details
24 November 2019 A quarter peal of 1250 Johannesburg Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
10 November 2019  A quarter peal of 1316 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service on Remembrance Sunday. See details
3 November 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evensong on All Saints Sunday. See details
27 October 2019 A quarter peal of 1280 Lessness Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
15 October 2019 A quarter peal of 1280 Bristol Surprise Major was rung. Congratulations to Tom Blomley ringing his first of Bristol. See details
13 October 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service and as a birth compliment to Nathan Albert Christie Lee. Congratulations to Debbie & John McLaren on ringing their first quarters of Triples. See details.
30 August 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Minor was rung. Congratulations to Benji Bass on ringing his first of Minor to complete Level 3 of Learning The Ropes See details
28 July 2019  A quarter peal of 1372 Plain Bob Triples was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Jane Mellor calling her first quarter peal. See details
14 July 2019 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
10 July 2019 A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung. Congratulations to Benji Bass on ringing his first quarter peal.
9 June 2019 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung for evening service on Whit Sunday. See details
22 May 2019 A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge to congratulate Jonathan and Julie Goodchild on their Silver Weddimg Anniversary Surprise Major was rung. See details
12 May 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service, also a compliment to Philippa Harlow's new baby. See details
28 April 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Doubles was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Katie Armitage on ringing her 2nd quarter peal to pass her Learning The Ropes level 3. See details
18 April 2019 The Tenor bell was tolled for 7 minutes at 7pm, thinking of the Great Cathedral of Notre Dame and the people of France. See details
14 April 19 A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service on Palm Sunday. See details
31 March 2019 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Ian Taylor ringing his first quarter of Yorkshire shortly after his 80th birthday. See details
24 March 2019 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch ringing her first Cambridge on an inside bell. See details
24 February 2019 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. A compliment to the Revd. Colin James who was first licensed as a lay reader 50 years ago today, and who is 80 tomorrow. See details
27 January 2019 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service. See details
26 January 2019 A peal of 5184 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the tower dinner day. See details.
13 January 2019   A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Minor was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Steve Bates on ringing his first quarter peal on an inside bell. See details
1 January 2019  A 'Date Touch' of 2019 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
12 December 2018 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to celebrate the birth on 7th December of Jude Sebastian Nicholas Smith. See details
2 December 2018 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for the Advent carol service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing her first quarter of Grandsire inside. See details
1 December 2018 A performance of 2400 (75 leads) of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on John Harrison's 75th birthday. See details
16 November 2018  A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Minor was rung. Congratulations to Katie Armitage on ringing her first quarter peal. See details
9 November 2018  A quarter peal of 1280 London Surprise Major was rung by a Sonning Deanery band to marl the Armistice centenary. See details
28 October 2018 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung to welcome the Revd. Hannah Higginson to the parish as our new Associate Priest. See details
14 October 2018 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
6 October 2018  A team from All Saints represented Sonning Deanery in the Oxford Diocesan Guild 6-bell striking contest, and was placed 5th out of ten entrants. See details & picture
30 September 2018 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for Harvest Festival. Congratulations to Steven Field returning to quarter peals after many years. See details
18 July 2018  A quarter peal of 1280 Rutland Surprise Major was rung by a Sonning Deanery band. See details
10 June 2018 A quarter peal of 1296 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
3 June 2018  A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung for evensong. Congratulations to Penka Kasarova on ringing her first quarter peal. See details.
27 May 2018 A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Andrew Eastwell on ringing his first quarter peal. See details.
19 May 2018 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung as a wedding compliment to HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. See details
13 May 2018 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung for evening service and a marriage compliment to Catie Smith (former ringer here) and James Lee. See details
22 April 2018 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service on the Eve of St George's Day. Also a birthday compliment to Ian Thompson. See details
21 April 2018 Two teams from All Saints entered the local striking competition. One team won, and will go on the represent Sonning Deanery on the Oxford Diocesan Guild competition in October. See details
25 March 2018  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for Palm Sunday evensong. See details
11 March 2018  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service. See details
11 February 2018 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
7 February 2018 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung. Congratulations to Simon Taylor ringing his first quarter peal. See details
28 January 2018  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service. See details
14 January 2018  A quarter peal of 1260 Stedman Triples was rung for evening service. See details
1 January 2018  A 'Date Touch' of 2018 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
29 December 2017 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Major was rung by the Leeds University Society of Change Ringers. See details
13 December 2017 A quarter peal of 1250 Pudsey Surprise Major was rung as a 70th birthday compliment to Barbara Wells. See details
3 December 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for the Advent Carol Service. See details
26 November 2017 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service. See details
20 November 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung as a Platinum Wedding Anniversary compliment to Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip. See details
4 November 2017  A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for our All Saints Patronal Festival after failing a peal. See details
29 October 2017 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service and as a farewell compliment to Rev Anna Harwood on her last Sunday before moving to become Vicar of Ruscombe & Twyford with Hurst. Congratulations to Steve Bates ringing his first quarter of Major . See details
8 October 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service. Congratulations to Steve Bates ringing his first quarter on a working bell. See details
24 September 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service and as a 30th wedding compliment to Jane & Nigel Mellor. 750th quarter peal for 7. See details
13 September 2017  A quarter peal of 1280 Superlative Surprise Major was rung. See details
10 September 2017  A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
23 July 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service, in memory of David Creasey, tower captain of Binfield, on the eve of his funeral. See details
9 July 2017 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service, as a Golden Wedding compliment to John & Anne Harrison. See details
11 June 2017  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service on Trinity Sunday. See details
3 June 2017 A quarter peal of 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung as a Ruby Wedding compliment to Stephen & Barbara Smith. See details  
14 May 2017 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service, and a birthday compliment to 4. See details
16 April 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evensong on Easter Day. See details
9 April 2017 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service on Palm Sunday. See details
26 March 2017 A quarter peal of 1280 spliced Cambridge, Lincolnshire & Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service on Mothering Sunday and to welcome Penelope Jocelyn Mae. Congratulations to Tom ringing his first quarter of spliced Surprise Major. See details
12 March 2017 A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Engagement compliment to Catie Smith and 23rd wedding compliment to Tom Blomley. Congratulations to Mary Spence & Tom ringing their first quarter of Yorkshire Surprise Major. See details
26 February 2017 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Mary Spence ringing her first quarter of Surprise Major. See details
28 january 2017 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung at St Paul's church on the afternoon of tower dinner day. It was planned for All Saints but moved after the Tenor clapper broke during a peal attempt in the morning. See details
22 January 2017 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Tom Blomley ringing his first on eight and first of Surprise. See details
8 January 2017  A quarter peal of 1260 Stedman Triples was rung for Epiphany evening service. See details
31 December 2016  A 'Date Touch' of 2016 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to say farewell to the Old Year. See details
27 November 2016  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for the service of Advent Carols. See details
6 November 2016  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before choral evensong on All Saints Sunday. Congratulations to Bradley Herrington on ringing his first quarter of Major. See details
5 November 2016  A peal of 5088 changes of Lincolnshire Surprise Major was rung to mark All Saints tide. See details
9 October 2016 A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major was rung in memory of Pte. AV Loader (a ringer at All Saints Wokingham) who was killed in action 100 years ago on 7th October 1916. See details
11 September 2016 Over 100 members of the public visited the tower, which was open for Heritage Weekend, see details. In keeping with this year's national Heritage Open Days focus on bellringing in collaboration with the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. See details
8 September 2016 A quarter peal of 1288 Grandsire Triples was rung to mark the start of Heritage weekend in Wokingham. See details
10 July 2016 A quarter peal of 1280 Spliced Surprise Minor (5 methods) was rung before evening service. See details
12 June 2016 A quarter peal of 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung before evening service as a 90th birthday compliment to HM Queen Elizabeth. Congratulations to Mary Spence, ringing her first quarter peal of Surprise inside. See details
11 June 2016 A peal of 5090 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung as a 90th birthday compliment to HM Queen Elizabeth on her official birthday. See details
22 May 2016  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service. See detai ls
15 May 2016 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for Pentecost, before the Churches Together in Wokingham service. See details
24 April 2016 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service as a 90th birthday compliment to HM Queen Elizabeth. See details
23 April 2016 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung on St George's Day, the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. See details. This was part of Sonning Deanery's Rolling Ring.
24 March 2016  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for Maundy Thursday communion service. See details
6 March 2016  A quarter peal of 1280 Bristol Surprise Major was rung for evening service on Mothering Sunday. See details
14 February 2016  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
30 January 2016  A peal of 5088 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to on the Tower Dinner Day. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing her first peal. See details
10 January 2016  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
1 January 2016  A 'Date Touch' of 2016 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
13 December 2015 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before Christingle service . See details
22 November 2015 A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
8 November 2015 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service on Remembrance Sunday in memory of Georgetta Carleton, sister of an All Saints ringer. See details
31 October 2015  A peal of 5088 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to mark All Saints tide. See details
25 October 2015  A quarter peal of 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service on St Crispin's Day, the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt . Congratulations to Kristin Fitch ringing her first Treble to Surprise in a quarter peal. See details
11 October 2015 A quarter peal of 1260 Stedman Triples was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Mary Spence ringing her first quarter peal of Stedman. See details
27 September 2015  A quarter peal of 1264 Plain Bob Major was rung for Harvest Festival . See details
9 May 2015 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day. See detaiils.
2 May 2015 All Saints ringers, along with many others world wide rang a quarter peal to mark the 300th anniversary of the first recorded peal in Norwich in 1715. See details
18 April 2015 An All Saints team was placed first in the Sonning Deanery 6-bell striking contest. See details
12 April 2015  A quarter peal of 1250 Superlative Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
8 February 2015  A quarter peal of 1344 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. See details
31 January 2015  A peal of 5024 changes of Rutland Surprise Major was rung to on the Tower Dinner Day. See details
11 January 2015  A quarter peal of 1280 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing he first quarter peal of Major. See details
1 November 2014 A peal of 5088 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung to mark All Saints Day. See details
18 October 2014  The Sonning Deanery Branch 8-bell striking competition was held at All Saints. All Saints entered a team and came an extremely close 2nd to Sonning. See details
12 October 2014 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung before evensong in memory of Mary Cole, a former long serving ringer at All Saints. See details
4 October 2014 A team from All Saints represented Sonning Deanery in the Oxford Diocesan Guild 6-bell striking contest, and was placed equal 3rd in the final.
20 September 2014 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung immediately after the wedding service of David Jaques (a long-standing member of All Saints choir) to June Warner-Horne. See details
14 September 2014 A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Minor was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing he first quarter peal inside. See details
13 September 2014  A quarter peal of 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on the wedding day of Siân Haseldine and Joshua Moorhouse. See details
20 August 2014 A quarter peal of 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major was rung to celebrate the forthcoming marriage of Siân Haseldine and Joshua Moorhouse. See details
28 June 2014  A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung after the special reception to mark the 10th anniversary of The Cornerstone. See details
28 May 2014 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung to celebrate Jonathan and Julie's 20th wedding anniversary. See details
27 April 2014 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing he first quarter peal on a working bell. See details
23 April 2014 A quarter peal was rung to mark St George's Day (spliced Cambridge, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire & Rutland Surprise Major). See details
30 March 2014 A quarter peal of 1344 Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Oli James on ringing his first quarter inside on eight bells. See details
5 March 2014 A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Minor was rung for Ash Wednesday service. Congratulations to Oli James on ringing his first quarter of Minor on an inside bell. See details.
9 February 2014 A quarter peal of 1320 Plain Bob Doubles was rung for evening service. Congratulations to Oli James on ringing his first quarter on an inside bell. See details.
1 January 2014 A 'Date Touch' of 2014 changes of Cambridge Surprise Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
8 december 2013 A quarter peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples was rung for the Christingle service. Congratulations to Kristin Fitch on ringing her first quarter peal. See details
1 December 2013 A Date Touch of 1943 changes of Plain Bob & Oakridge Lynch Little Bob Major was rung as a 70th birthday compliment to the conductor, born 1-12-1943. See details
24 November 2013 A quarter peal of 1250 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service. See details
16 November 2013 As part of the worldwide commemoration of the death in 1713 of Fabian Stedman, the 'Father of Change Ringing' a performance of 300 changes of Stedman Triples was rung on the 300th anniversary of the day of his funeral, at St Andrew Undershaft in the City of London. See details See also National press release
10 November 2013 A half-muffled quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung on Remembrance Sunday. See details
5 August 2013 A very lively ringing practice. A local resident brought his granddaughters in to watch us ringing. A ringer from Herefordshire in the area joined us. We were also joined by eight ringers from Easthampstead, including four enthusiastic youngsters who as well as joining the ringing experienced ringing with our simulators and enjoyed the spectacular view from the tower roof.
23 July 2013 A quarter peal of 1250 changes of Cambridge Surprise Major was rung to celebrate the birth of a baby prince on 22nd July 2103 to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. See details
21 July 2013 A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service in memory of John R Harper, former Treasurer of Sonning Deanery ringers and Tower Captain of Binfield. See details
14 July 2013 A performance of 1330 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung during the afternoon for the benefit of visitors to the Flower Festival.
13 July 2013 Approx 75 visitors to All Saints Flower & Vestment Festival enjoyed tours of the tower to see the bells and the views from the roof.
12 July 2013 All Saints Handebell Group rang tunes for visitors to All Saints Flower & Vestment Festival
11 July 2013 Visitors to the opening ceremony of All Saints Flower & Vestment Festival were entertained by performances of Plain Bob Royal rung on handbells in the church.
30 June 2013 A quarter peal of 1320 changes of Grandsire Doubles was rung for evening service. See details
16 June 2013 A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung as a farewell compliment to Revd. Tony Kemp, former Music Director and curate at this church, on his retirement to Hayling Island. See details
2 June 2013 A quarter peal of 1250 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on the 60th anniversary of the Queen's Coronation Day. See details
18 May 2013 A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung as part of Wokingham's Pentecost weekend Two Choirs Festival. See programme notes. See performance details.
23 April 2013  A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung on the evening of St George's Day as part of Ring for England .   See Details
21 April 2013  A quarter peal of 1320 changes of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung for evening service. See details
17 March 2013  A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Doubles was rung for evening service. See details
17 February 2013 A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Plain Bob Triples was rung for evening service. See details
26 January 2013 A peal of 5088 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the ringers' annual dinner. Congratulations to Mhairi Miller on ringing her first peal of Surprise inside. See details.
20 January 2013  A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major was rung for evening service.. See details
1 January 2013  A 'Date Touch' of 2013 changes of spliced Plain and Gainsborough Little Bob Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details
16 December 2012 A quarter peal of 1250 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung for evening service.. See details
11 November 2012 A half-muffled quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Doubles was rung on Remembrance Sunday. Congratulations to Sue James on ringing her first quarter peal. See details.
20 October 2012 The Sonning Deanery Branch 8-bell striking competition was hel at All Saints. All Saints entered a team and won, thus retaining the trophy. See details
30 September 2012 A quarter peal of 1320 changes of Grandsire Doubles, rung for Harvest Festival evensong. A farewell compliment to David Rance, retiring as Musical Director. Congratulations to Oli James on ringing his first quarter peal. See details
15 July 2012 A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major, rung as a compliment to Richard Woodward, a member since 1982, departing to Bournmouth. See details
May/June 2012 All Saints ringers joined with ringers across Berkshire and the whole country to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee over the holiday weekend and on the preceding Sundayweekend. They rang for: The Jubilee service in Reading Minster, The Civic service in Wokingham, The Jubilee Pageant on the Thames, The Jubilee service at St Paul's Cathedral.
20 May 2012  A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service on Ascension Sunday. See details
23 April 2012  A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major was rung to celebrate St George's Day. See details.
1 April 2012  A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major was rung before evening service on Palm Sunday. See details
18 March 2012 A quarter peal of 1260 changes of Grandsire Triples was rung before evening service on Mothering Sunday. See details
19 February 2012 A quarter peal of 1280 changes of Bristol Surprise Major was rung before evening service. See details
6 February 2012  A quarter peal of 1264 changes of Plain Bob Major was rung to mark the Accession of the Queen, this day 60 years ago. See d etails.
28 January 2012 A peal of 5088 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung on the morning of the ringers' annual dinner. Congratulations to Jon Tutcher on ringing his 50th peal. See details.
23 January 2012 Two officers changed at the tower AGM. Katie Tutcher took over from Mary Spence as secretary and Neil Curnow took over from Mhairi Miller as steeple keeper.
2 January 2012  A 'Date Touch' of 2012 changes of spliced Plain and Gainsborough Little Bob Major was rung to welcome the New Year. See details

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