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A Century of Peals at All Saints

All Saints has had bells for centuries, but no peals are recorded before 1903 when they were augmented from 6 to 8. Several peals a year were rung here before the First World War. Then peals became much less frequent until 1980, with half of the total having been rung since then. The two factors associated with this revival are the band becoming much more active around that time, and the installation of sound control in 1982.

In the early years, many peals were of Triples (changes on 7 bells, with the Tenor bell ringing last) but since 1980, most peals have been of Major (changes on all 8 bells).

 Peals rung

The cumulative curve shows the periods of peal ringing activity.

 Cumulative numberof peals

Peals have become quicker over the years. This can partly be explained by the replacement in 1956 of the original plain bearings with ball bearings. The graph below shows minutes faster or slower than 3 hours for peals at All Saints since 1903.

 Peal times

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